




Monthly Newsletter

Tactical Fire Guide
17 quick and easy ways to start a fire, even in the most severe conditions imaginable.

Bullets And Gun Powder
Step by step recipes for making low grade explosives and projectiles

Livestock For Homesteading
A real smart play for longer periods of post collapse living. How to create your own abundant source of food

Abundant Water Guide
How to transform the nastiest sludge pool into fresh, clean drinking water and yes ... You can even filter Urine into sparkling, crisp drinking water 144 Items that Fly off the Shelf During a Crisis These are items you need to live and get stripped from store shelves within minutes after just a threat of crisis is announced.

Precious Metals Profits
When the dollar collapses precious metals will be THE only form of currency

Failsafe Self-Defense
When it comes down to you and an attacker, you will want to know these proven techniques to kick some serious butt

Extreme Storm Survival Plan
Storms are getting more intense every season. Here is what you MUST do for your family in advance to make sure you are not another casualty statistic

Ready for Martial Law
You saw a light test run after the Boston Bombing. Any kind of financial collapse or terror attack will result in Martial Law. Are you ready right now?

Riot Evasion and Survival
The best way to survive a riot is to spot it early and avoid it.

Our #1 Fastest Growing Community Of Like Minded people who revere the need for self reliance and understand how important being prepared really is.


Monthly Newsletter

Tactical Fire Guide
17 quick and easy ways to start a fire, even in the most severe conditions imaginable.

Bullets And Gun Powder
Step by step recipes for making low grade explosives and projectiles

Livestock For Homesteading
A real smart play for longer periods of post collapse living. How to create your own abundant source of food

Abundant Water Guide
How to transform the nastiest sludge pool into fresh, clean drinking water and yes ... You can even filter Urine into sparkling, crisp drinking water 144 Items that Fly off the Shelf During a Crisis These are items you need to live and get stripped from store shelves within minutes after just a threat of crisis is announced.

Precious Metals Profits
When the dollar collapses precious metals will be THE only form of currency

Failsafe Self-Defense
When it comes down to you and an attacker, you will want to know these proven techniques to kick some serious butt

Extreme Storm Survival Plan
Storms are getting more intense every season. Here is what you MUST do for your family in advance to make sure you are not another casualty statistic

Ready for Martial Law
You saw a light test run after the Boston Bombing. Any kind of financial collapse or terror attack will result in Martial Law. Are you ready right now?

Riot Evasion and Survival
The best way to survive a riot is to spot it early and avoid it.

Our #1 Fastest Growing Community Of Like Minded people who revere the need for self reliance and understand how important being prepared really is.